

It is winter time now and no longer the year 2019. There are currently no leaves on the trees the sun is shining. A few more differences from today, Jan/29/2022, would be that I have a little more grey hair and umm more muscles! LOL

I still use my CGM, I have Type One, but my mala necklace in this photo has broken, meaning I learned a lesson. I did…do you want to know what it was?

It’s very personal answer and yoga is a very personal practice by the way, on and off the mat. If you’re not a feeling type of person that’s okay but I am and sharing helps me heal. I hope you too find what works for you in your journey to keep you grounded and connected.

I struggled not having a body that could make babies and now a pancreas that has a mind of it’s own, diabetes type One.

I purchased that particular necklace. The artist had named it the same name I would have named my little girl. I could not be in the present moment grieving a person I had never met. I was stuck and had been prior to wearing the mala. Two years of intention and affirmation setting and physical practice I began to live a little more free in my heart. Then the mala broke.

When my mala broke I did not. I found relief.

Lesson: My body may be broken but I am not. I am whole. I am…I am.

Peace, SaraG.